Facial Aesthetics as a Support to Cosmetic Dentistry


Cosmetic DentistryMany patients visiting you for cosmetic dental work may also be familiar with the use of Botox to relax the facial muscles resulting in a smoothing of wrinkles. Our courses are designed to equip you to become a provider of this service as a natural corollary to your other aesthetic treatments. In every dental practice the use of injections to anaesthetise local areas of the mouth is a long accepted procedure and as a dentist you are already familiar with the facial nervous system and musculature. During our training workshop for dentists you will learn not only the correct, safe, technique for administering Botox but also how to successfully promote this new adjunct to your existing treatments in a way that can bring a speedy return on your initial investment.

Education is the Key

Learning how to give the injections to relax tense muscles is an important part of our course but equally important is the training and guidance to help you integrate this procedure into your practice. Dr Harry Singh, the creator of the Botox Training Club has been a dentist for over 20 years so he is ideally situated to pass on his wealth of experience, not only in the technical aspects, but also how to attract new patients. The promotion and marketing of this treatment is dealt with in detail, thereby ensuring that at the culmination of the course for you will be able to start offering this service without delay.


A support for your work in facial aesthetics is included in the Botox Course for dentists by helping train your staff in their responses to potential patients. It cannot be stressed too highly how important it is to have knowledgeable co-workers who understand the procedure and are able and willing to answer any queries or concerns. Each participant is allowed to bring a team member to the course as an observer.

For more information and to see what others have to say regarding the Botox Courses for dentists, please visit our website.

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