What You Should be Looking for in Employees

happy employees

The people you welcome into your company have as much contribution to its success as the product or service you’re offering. One man may be behind the item that propelled the business forward, but it takes a village to raise and nurture it.

With that said, here are three qualities to look for in your future employees:


It’s not enough that an applicant graduated with flying colors, especially if they have been out of school for a while now. What have they done with their lives to further their career? In certain industries, it’s important to always keep updated.

A medical practitioner would want to be aware of recent developments in the field, just as an IT professional would want to ace a CompTIA A+ practice test. They should have the certification to prove that they completed the necessary requirements. You’ll benefit from employing someone who has the skills on par with industry standards.

What about current employees who don’t have the necessary certification, you ask? No, you don’t have to let them go. You may encourage them to take the certification, especially if they are dreaming of being promoted.


employees collaborating on a project

As the owner of a thriving company, you want to know every important decision. However, you are not there to micromanage and to hold your employee’s hand when they hit a snag. They may come to you for help when it involves a significant amount of resources and if the problem is complicated, but for the little things, they should prove to have the initiative to come up with a solution. Even if it’s a temporary one, they should know how to keep everything going until you are able to talk to them about the better way to resolve an issue.

Sometimes, resourcefulness doesn’t just mean they’re coming up with quick solutions to problems. If significant danger is associated with the issue, they should know when to press pause on company operations. Now, imagine if you were out on a business trip and couldn’t be with them during this time. You wouldn’t want to come back to a company in ashes, would you?

Forward Thinking

Many projects come from the idle minds of employees, but they don’t dare talk about them to avoid giving the wrong impression. You’re not employing robots. They are free to think about things that will make them happy and, hopefully, will improve the company.

When you’re hiring someone, ask them about any innovative ideas they’ve had lately. It doesn’t matter how impossible or how time-consuming it is. At this stage, you’re just trying to see if they are willing to let their mind roam freely and creatively. You need those kinds of people on your team. Given the right tools, they might just be able to take your brand further. It’s better they do that for your company rather than your competition.

An impressive resume is just one thing to look for in a possible employee. You want someone with a glimmer of hope, a touch of resourcefulness, and an eye for new developments.

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