Of Clicks and Conversions: Increasing Social Media Click-Throughs

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Facebook on phoneIndustry experts tell site owners that social media sites are powerful traffic drivers, and what they’re saying is true. While search and paid ads do generate traffic, you’re not getting enough page visits if you don’t tap social media – and every SEM service provider would agree with this.

Of course, social media isn’t something you can’t simply wing. Although it seems simple, there’s a certain complexity to attracting your fans and followers to actually click on the link pointing to your site. Many pages struggle with thousands of fans, but only tens of page visits. Ergo, you have to tweak your strategy to make sure it’s effective – and you can do that with these tips from PR Caffeine:

Add Visuals

Text rarely gets any attention online. If you want clicks and conversions, you would want to entice your audience with visuals and rich media. It’s time to bring out great photos, well-researched infographics, and fun videos. Always include something that would catch the eye other than a paragraph of text. If you need pointers regarding this, check out how the pros do Instagram marketing.

Filter What You Post

It doesn’t matter where you post your stuff, because it would never gain traction is it’s mediocre and uninteresting. Your best bet is to filter the things you want to post and choose only the best. Make sure that what you share piques the audience’s interest and provides them valuable information.

Schedule Each Update

If you think you’d gain traffic when you post often, think again. Your users do get overwhelmed when you bombard them with posts every hour. Twitter is the only platform where you can spam away and no one would care – don’t do this practice elsewhere. Learn the ropes of scheduling to ensure you’re pushing out the content at the right pace.

Understand Audience Behavior

There’s great value in knowing what your audience wants and what they react to. Most importantly, you should know when they are active in specific social networking sites. You wouldn’t want to post new stuff when there’s no one around to interact with it. You have to get the right timing so that even the most basic posts would gain some online attention and eventually, site traffic.

Make your audience convert and maximize the potential of social media channels with these tips.

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