The Hidden Impact of Work: How It Affects People’s Health

stressed out employee

Many people work to provide for themselves and their families, but studies have shown that too much work can harm one’s health. It has long been known that work-related stress is a significant contributor to cardiovascular disease, depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances, and chronic back pain. The evidence shows that work can also contribute to weight gain or obesity among men and women and lead to other severe medical conditions such as cancer.

However, the world that we live in today puts a lot of pressure on people to find work and make a living. After all, people need to work to provide for their needs and the needs of their families. The problem is manifested when people spend so much time working that they neglect their health and well-being. As a result, a lot of people fall sick due to work-related stress.

How Work Affects People’s Health

The effects of work extend beyond the workplace itself. People who say they enjoy their jobs are more likely to report better overall health than those who don’t like their jobs, even if they aren’t earning much money or working long hours. How does this happen? There are several theories about how work impacts people’s lives outside of the office, including one that suggests that job satisfaction can be an indicator of general life satisfaction.

Most people who work full-time work an average of 47 hours per week. That means that work is not only a mental drain but also takes away time people could be spending on their health and well-being or doing things they enjoy. It’s no surprise that work can take its toll on physical health.

Dealing With Changes

In the past, many people complained that working in an office restricts them so much that they have no time for leisure or relaxation. After all, commuting to and from work is exhausting and time-consuming. In addition to this, most offices do not have conducive work environments that inspire employees to be productive.

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, a lot of people were forced to work from home. At first, this setup was welcomed by many because people thought that working from home would be less stressful compared to working in an office. However, people started noticing that working from home made them more prone to developing anxiety and depression because of isolation.

As a result, some people took advantage of the situation and looked for ways to establish a coworking space business. This endeavor aimed to give people the chance to work in an ideal work environment to help them become more productive. In addition, giving people the opportunity to work in a healthy work environment gives them the chance to establish a healthy work-life balance.

tired employee

Work’s Impact on People’s Health

Below are the ways that work can impact people’s health outcomes:

  • Increasing the risk for depression and anxiety

People who spend too much time working are at risk of developing certain conditions, such as depression and anxiety. These work-related mental health issues have been on the rise in recent years because people spend more time working than ever before.

People need to establish a healthy work-life balance so that work does not interfere with their health. After all, people would be spending more money if they had to see a therapist or take medicine to treat work-related anxiety and depression.

  • Work can lead to the development of chronic health conditions

People who work a lot and end up neglecting their health often develop chronic health conditions. This is because work can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and poor sleep, which will adversely affect people’s health. People who work should get enough rest so that they do not become stressed out from work-related responsibilities. Examples of chronic health conditions that people who work too much can develop include heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

  • Work-related anxiety

People who work are more likely to suffer from work-related anxiety than those who do not spend all their time working. Everyone must be able to manage their time well enough to complete work tasks without feeling overwhelmed about the amount of work they have to do. Therefore, people need to balance work and their personal lives to avoid developing work-related anxiety.

Health and Work

People should do what they can to work in a healthy work environment that allows them to complete their work tasks and still have time for their personal lives. This way, work will not compromise their health and well-being so much that they become incapable of living happily every day. Establishing a healthy work-life balance is the key to avoiding work-related health risks.

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