Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Smile Enhancement

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Having a beautiful smile is everyone’s desire. But due to some dental deformities, some people shy away from smiling. They feel embarrassed to expose their crooked or misaligned teeth. Some even go to the extent of covering their mouth with their hands, an aspect that can greatly lower one’s self-esteem.

Fortunately, the advancements in dentistry have brought about the introduction of a wide variety of cosmetic dental procedures that focus on smile enhancement. Highlighted below are some of those procedures:

Dental Implants

These are one of the most common tooth replacement procedures carried out in most cosmetic dental clinics. They involve the use of a metal device made of titanium and designed to replace missing teeth. Dental implants serve as a tooth root and can hold artificial teeth such as a crown, denture, or bridge. The shading technique applied to dental implants during the procedure makes it difficult to tell the difference between implants and natural teeth since they look similar.

Teeth Whitening

If you are struggling with discolored or stained teeth and looking for the best way to enhance their appearance and restore your smile, cosmetic teeth whitening is a suitable option. This procedure involves a thorough cleaning of the teeth to get rid of plaque or tartar that may cause damage. Once this is done, a bleaching or whitening solution is applied to the teeth to enhance their shade. To protect the teeth’s enamel, some cosmetic dentists also apply a polishing material after the completion of the cleaning process.

Dental Veneers

If you have chipped, misshaped teeth, or a gap between teeth and are looking for a permanent solution for enhancing your smile, dental veneers are the best bet in achieving the desired look. These are ultra-thin shell made of porcelain or composite that is permanently cemented to a tooth to mask its color, positioning, or even shape in the mouth. They can be customized and personalized according to one’s requirements to resemble their natural tooth.

teeth whitening

But before getting veneers, you should keep in mind that they are an irreversible dental procedure. So you need to have it carried out in a Scottsdale dental clinic by a professional cosmetic dentist to guarantee realistically amazing results.

Teeth Shaping

This cosmetic dental procedure is also known as enamel shaping. It involves the reshaping of the tooth by filing or removing some of the enamel. One good thing about teeth shaping is that it is usually not painful, and the results are quite immediate. Therefore, if you are looking for an inexpensive way of improving the appearance of your teeth, you should consider a teeth shaping procedure.

Orthodontic Treatment

For crooked or misaligned teeth, cosmetic orthodontic treatment is the best solution. This procedure involves the insertion of braces, clear aligners, and retainers among other devices to align teeth. If you are looking for an alternative to metal braces, Invisalign treatment will be ideal for you. Invisalign braces are clear, comfortable, and removable devices, unlike their counterparts.

Before settling on any of the cosmetic dental procedures mentioned above, it is highly advisable to consult your dentist first to get recommendations on the ones that will best work for you. Considering that some cosmetic dental procedures may not be covered by dental insurance, it is important to seek clarification from your insurer to avoid last-minute inconveniences.

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