Park City is one of the interesting areas in Utah. Once a mining town, it now thrives thanks to its booming tourism. In fact, it is one of the most beautiful metros in the country and was also the best town in America in 2013.
But it has a very small population. In 2014 the number of people living there was fewer than 10,000. Its population only swells when tourists come in especially during the summer. Around this season, people go to the ski resorts. Often, tourist numbers are higher than the city's population.
Even then, Park City faces a major challenge: water supply.
What's the Issue with Water?
Park City's problem with water stems from its population growth. Although small, it's increasing. Exterra Drilling Services explains that residents can get the supply from water runoffs and main waterways, but there may come a time when these won't be enough. Conserving water may not help either.
The possible water shortage can lead to bigger issues. One, the cost of utilities may go up because of the high demand. Moreover, the local government may stop issuing building permits. In the process, this can impede the City's economic growth.
A Smart Solution
The City may need to develop a collaborative effort among various agencies. As for residents and communities, they can explore using wells.
Wells can give you access to an underground water source. It may serve a single household or an entire community, depending on the capacity.
The state, though, regulates welling. If the depth is more than 30 feet, only a professional or licensed state well driller can do it. Anyone who likes to set up a well also needs to work with Utah's engineering department.
If the community decides to build a public well, it needs to apply for a pump installer's license. A reliable well installation Park City specialist can help households develop water sources. It is best to find a company with more than 30 years of experience in the field.