What Should You Include in Your Press Kit

press kit

If you are looking for some ideas on exactly what to include in your press kit, here are some things to consider. But remember that you do not have to include all of these in the press kit.


Otherwise known as the pitch letter, this provides the first impression, and it is where you make or break it. You have to be straightforward. Tell them what you need and a brief description of the items enclosed in your press kit. Make sure that you include your contact information in this letter.

Company Information

This piece of information includes your company’s profile, history, and the officers in the company.

Products and Services Information

Always include this in your press kit. It should detail products or services, as well as their corresponding reviews. This will enable editors to see what others are saying about your business and help them write their reviews. This must be followed by a product or service fact sheet or brochures that showcase what your company offers.

Press Publications, Articles, and Related Literature


Make sure to add the copy of recent press releases in your press kits. What others have done in the past media coverage will be of importance to the current media target. This can be online press or article prints that your company may have received in the past.

Sample News Story

This is your opportunity to guide the media or your readers and followers. Some editors can print them in toto as they view them as an easy way to fill up any space with very little effort. They can edit these stories with your approval.

Video/Audio Files of Online and Aired Interviews and Speeches

If you have copies of the video or audio files of your recent TV or radio interviews or speeches., it is best to provide them, too. Companies these days are placing online audio clips on their websites for promotion; take advantage of this feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

These help the editor know exactly what questions to ask you in the interview or what items to include and not to include in the article that they will come up for you. As many media kits are specially put together for investors, any news that connected with the industry, financial statements, and other related news can be valuable and must be added to the press kit.

The best thing to do at this juncture is to begin assembling your press kit based on all available materials that you have. As you deem fit, you can add more materials as you have them. Refrain from creating a press kit at the last minute for the editor or investor. After the press kit is assembled, you can have this sent to a printing service for quick pick and pack order fulfillment.

The media kit shouldn’t be as fancy as many people perceive it to be. The media or potential client who is asking for it simply want some information from you. Use this checklist and then work on the rest of the items that you don’t currently have.

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