Taking Care of Dental Implants in Perth

dentist checking patient's mouth

Dental implants have revolutionised the world of replacement teeth, giving people back the full functionality of their mouths, allowing them to eat whatever they want and to talk and laugh with complete spontaneity without having to worry about their teeth wobbling around, or, heaven forbid, falling out. In Perth, dental implants have a high success rate of about 98%, but problems can develop over time and that’s when it pays to know where to go to get them sorted out.

Complications from dental implants in Perth tend to revolve around issues with the gums and bone around the implants rather than the implants themselves. This means finding a dentist, such as the dentist at Elite Perio, who is trained and highly skilled in treating gum and jawbone issues, like those that arise with advanced gum disease.

Who Might Need These Services?

Anyone who has had their implants put in Perth should be able to return to their implant surgeon for treatment, but there are many people who go abroad for dental implant treatment who later develop problems and need a dentist in the city to help them. People might also be referred by their own surgeries in the city.

What Kind of Problems Can Happen?

The big enemy of dental implants is gum disease. This is when the gum and bone around the implant get eaten away by acid from bacterial plaque. Gum disease is a slow burning problem so problems may start to show up as pus or discharge from bone loss around the implant some years after it was put in. The gums can also start to recede around the implant, showing the abutment under the gum. Not a good look.

Solving the Issues

Generally speaking, the above issues can be solved by treatments to regrow the bone around the implant, and regrowing the gums with a gum graft.

Avoiding These Problems

Hanging onto dental implants in Perth is all about excellent oral hygiene. This means careful brushing and flossing to remove plaque and trapped food, and regular deep cleans to remove calculus (hardened plaque). Keep the plaque at bay and all should be well.

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