Road Safety Extended: Helping Your Teen Drive Better

student driver

Teenagers love the freedom and independence represented by having a driver’s license. It is good to encourage them to learn to drive and take the car out by themselves. They need to understand the joy of being responsible. Taking care of the vehicle, checking the gas and tires, and all those little things that keep the car in good condition will teach them a lot more about personal accountability and maturity than simply telling them.

The problem is that a new driver will be nervous. Not everyone on the roads drives safely, and this can endanger all the people around them. Seeing someone else driving recklessly can make a new and nervous driver anxious. Teenage drivers account for more car accidents than any other age group, so it is a real concern that you must try to mitigate as much as possible. If your teenager does end up in a car accident, remember that they need your support more than recriminations or disappointment. This is a huge learning experience and can impact their confidence on the road for years to come. Show them how to contact a car accident lawyer, collect documents, call the insurance agent, and file a claim.

Of course, prevention is always better than cure so sit down with your teenager and answer any questions they have about possible scenarios on the road. Go over other safety features such as weather, animals, etc with them as well. Your experience of driving for many more years will give you a better idea of what to teach them to expect and prevent. This can be a great way to make some memories and help your teen see the confidence and trust you have in them.

The Basics

The apparent basics that everyone needs to pay attention to are very clear. But a teenager does not have the sense of danger that an adult would, and they will need consistent reminders to stay on top of these basic driving safety tips.

These basics are not texting while driving, not speeding, keeping music volume low, and always wearing a seat belt. Promise your teenager that they can have a friend or two in the car with them but only when they have been driving for six months to a year. They may sulk but remind them that their friends’ life will be in their hands. A reasonable child will realize the truth of this and agree.

Advanced Driving Classes

Send your teen to advanced driving classes which can teach them more about defensive driving skills. These classes will add to the lessons they have already taken and help them learn more skills that can make them safer on the road.

These classes teach skid prevention and control skills, threshold braking, collision avoidance, and maneuvering in unexpected situations. They will also learn why improving their vision around the car and the immediate area is essential and how to adjust and view their vision while driving.

driving instructor

Weather-specific Driving Techniques

Give your teen a crash course in driving for the weather as the seasons change. Take them with you to get winter tires fitted for the car, so they can see the process and ask any questions. Ask them questions to help them remember their skid prevention training in the event of a rainy fall or a sleet and snow heavy winter.

Never Swerve Around an Animal

It is instinct to want to swerve to avoid hitting something but this can cause more issues. Swerving on a busy road can cause a vehicle pile up and put your teenager and other drivers in a lot of danger. Even swerving on an empty road s dangerous as your teenager may drive right into a tree or ditch.

Take them to an empty lot and help them practice braking very hard. Braking as fast as possible as hard as possible as soon as they see the animal is the best way to stay safe in this situation.


One of the most important lessons you will teach your child is about intersection safety. Intersections are dangerous places to navigate as entitled drivers will put their own desires over their security and the safety of others. People will drive right through a yellow light, sometimes even a red light. Teach your child that no matter how many people are yelling or honking, their life is worth more than a second of inconvenience for these drivers. They must check that the intersection is clear before proceeding. It takes only one reckless driver hitting them to end their life or leave them hurt for life.

Demonstrate intersection safety by taking them through busy intersections with you. Show them how to ignore the honking behind you and check the road. Once they feel less nervous after watching you do it a few times, let them drive while you calmly instruct them from the passenger seat.

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