How to Turn Your Life Around in 4 Steps


Are you stuck in a tight rut right now? Do you feel as if life has thrown you an extra generous heap of lemons? Are you wondering when your stars will ever align? Perhaps you’ve made a few wrong turns in the course of your life.

Are you stuck in a tight rut right now? Do you feel as if life has thrown you an extra generous heap of lemons? Are you wondering when your stars will ever align? Perhaps you’ve made a few wrong turns in the course of your life.

Maybe your ex-husband is threatening to call a family attorney here in Santa Fe, NM (if he hasn’t already) for some mishap or another. Or you are neck-deep in debt. While it may indeed seem that all hope has been sucked out of your life, don’t despair.

There is a way out. And you always get a new pass in life. Curious now? Read on.


Do you know that most of life’s problems pile up the fastest when we simply forget to take some time out and breathe? We don’t mean the normal breathing you do to survive. We suggest closing your eyes, letting in air and slowly letting it out in a way that clears your mind and relaxes you.

There is a reason why the ancient art of meditation is widely used today and still gains traction every day. Meditation allows you to separate yourself from your problem, to make it smaller and to see it clearly from all angles. It’s simple. If you feel overwhelmed in a sea of troubles, step out and breathe. The answers will come to you.


There is a kind of power that goes with putting problems down with a pen and on paper instead of letting it run amok in your mind all day. Once you’ve written it down, it won’t seem as big and as frightening anymore.

Then you can start writing down your solutions, or the pros and cons involved in a big decision, or the next steps that you need to take. Whatever it takes to get the clutter out of your mind. Put the noise down on paper. Sometimes, it could be a rant, pages and pages of it.

It doesn’t matter what form your writing takes, but do remember that writing it down will help. It is therapy.


Oh, the healing magnitude of talking about your problems with someone else. Ideally, this someone has a sympathetic, listening ear, someone and will allow you to talk (or cry) and not feel the need to butt in and give his two cents worth at every turn. It could be a stranger you happen to sit with on the bus, even.

Just remember that when the dam needs to burst, please let it. There are amazing breakthroughs to be had just by listening to yourself go over your worries one by one. And most often than not, you will realize that the problem really isn’t that bad after all.

Happy womanSeek professional help (if needed)

Now that you’ve breathed, written, talked and basically found ways to release your problems instead of drowning in them, it’s time to take steps to speak to those who can help you. It may be a financial advisor, a lawyer or a counselor.

Now’s the time to allow yourself to be assisted by a professional perhaps with a step by step guide on how to get yourself out the mess you’re in.

No matter how enormous your present problem may be, hang in there. There is always a way out. The key is to make yourself bigger than your problem, to cut what is bothering you up in chunks so that it won’t have power over you.  And finally, knowing that you have the power to take back control of your life.


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