Don’t Let the Quarantine Get You Down: How to Stay Active During Self-Isolation

Family indoors

With much of the world practicing self-isolation, there is a risk of extreme boredom and becoming stationary. Neither of these is good for your mental or physical health. But keeping active while under quarantine can be difficult. The key is working with the space you have. There are plenty of ways to keep active and have fun during the quarantine.

Keep a Schedule

If it’s your first time working for home, there are common traps you should be aware of. Otherwise, you put yourself at risk of being too comfortable, which can result in missed deadlines and dropped calls.

When working from home, it’s important you keep the same schedule. Aside from promoting productivity, this prevents managers and co-workers from asking you to work beyond your shift. Additionally, set up a designated workspace in your home. This puts you in the right headspace to work and prevents family members or roommates from bothering you during your shift.

Exercise Regularly

Don’t use the quarantine as an excuse to skip your fitness routine. Staying active improves your physical health and benefits your mental state. Exercising releases endorphins that trigger positive feelings in the body.

Adjust your workouts to suit the current situation. There are several fitness trainers who have uploaded easy-to-follow routines online. It’s only a matter of choosing which one you like enough to follow regularly. If working out alone isn’t your style, ask your family or friends if they want to have daily sessions over a video call.

Pick Up a Hobby

Don’t limit your indoor activities to catching up on all the shows and movies you’ve been putting off. Variety is better at keeping boredom at bay than a weeklong movie marathon.

Try learning a new skill or picking up a hobby while under quarantine. Making collages, for example, is a fun and creative activity that doesn’t have strict rules. Cut up old magazines, use a personalized stamp set, and practice calligraphy with this artistic activity.

Painting hobbyPortion Out Content

It’s easy to forget to check the time when you’re engrossed in a movie or show marathon. Spending too much time in front of a screen might cause you to miss out on chores and other household responsibilities.

Consider portioning out your content. Set a schedule when you want to marathon a series of movies or a season of a show. Do the same for books and other types of media. Keeping a balanced schedule is important to put some normalcy back into your life.

Stay Connected

The quarantine can be a lonely time for anyone, especially when you live alone. Staying connected with family and friends will make this difficult time pass by easier.

Technology has made it easier to keep in touch with family and friends. Take full advantage of messaging and video chat apps while you’re practicing self-isolation. Your correspondences don’t have to be serious all the time. Sometimes, sending a funny meme or a cute emoji is enough to comfort one another.

Remember, just because you’re in self-isolation, doesn’t mean you have to be a hermit. Do what you can from where you are to keep yourself from going stir-crazy.

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