Transitioning Your Business Towards Digital Platforms

team discussion at the office

The business world is ever-changing. Every year, there are new technological developments for different industries. That said, many businesses will need to adapt and be quick on their feet if they want to maintain business continuity. What might work last year and in the past few decades might not necessarily work this year?

Most businesses that refuse to adapt and change their business flow will have problems in efficiency. In fact, many companies, on average, lose around 20% to 30% of their revenue due to issues in their productivity and not being able to streamline the work process. For a long time, automating the work process was known as the optimal way of streamlining the work process.

However, an important part of streamlining business needs and processes was about team cohesion, organisation, and communication. However, recent events in the past year have changed how many of these traditional businesses conduct their day-to-day operations. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has caused changes to how we usually do business. Many traditional brick-and-mortar businesses have transitioned online to ensure business continuity.

However, many small enterprises are still not quite sure how they can migrate towards a digital infrastructure. So what are some things that you’ll need to know when it comes to this situation? Here’s what you can do.

Why Should You Digitise Your Business?

But first, what’s the importance of digitising your business in the first place? Well, your business can utilise a myriad of advantages to get the upper hand in terms of sales and build your brand. Although organisational change and switching towards a digital platform might be a time-consuming process and will likely use up many resources, this will benefit the company in the long run.

In an age of data and information, the digital workplace is a methodical means of processing documents, spreadsheets, and emails for better efficiency. Not only will having a physical workplace “waste” time when most individuals will need to go to work, but most employers will also need to invest in office space and storage archives for documents.

Having a data-centric approach is also integral towards outlining plans and strategies that can be used for your organisation. However, there are a variety of factors that you’ll need to consider.

Expanding and Automating Your Digital Workflow

First and foremost, one of the main advantages of transitioning towards a digital setup is that it’s faster in almost every regard of your business. Customers won’t have to travel for minutes (or hours) to get to your business when it can be easily accessed through your website. Logistical and manufacturing operations can also be monitored and easily managed through your laptop or your computer.

In certain situations, the need for human interaction and supervision is now entirely cut from the picture. Current innovations in automation and technology have made it easier to do a variety of repeatable processes. This can leave much of the workforce free to do other types of work, such as maintenance, quality assurance, and management.

Maximising Your Security

Another important factor that you’ll need to consider when transitioning towards social media or any other online platform is that data and files should be uploaded for better access by users and customers. However, this is a double-edged sword. The fact that data and information is being uploaded online makes sensitive personal information available to different viewers. This is one of the reasons many companies and corporations will place a lot of emphasis on cybersecurity.

The last thing that companies want is data breaches and sensitive personal information being used in fraudulent activities. Not only do serious breaches of security undermine the interests of shareholders and decrease productivity, but this can also tarnish the company’s reputation.

If you’re planning on transitioning online, you’ll need to prioritise securing your files, data, and information by investing in servers. In most situations, companies will have a designated area for their servers. But new technological innovations have made it easier to store information without needing physical storage spaces.

Cloud storage has been steadily rising in popularity in the past few years. Still, security should be your priority in this situation. Fortunately, many cloud-based solutions such as PingCo can address any of your cloud storage and security concerns.

When you’re transitioning your business towards a more digital platform, these strategies will play a major role in your workflow. It’s important to note that the digital infrastructure is quite different from what most businesses are used to in brick and mortar establishments. That said, adopting unique strategies, emphasising security, and digital marketing can help your business grow while maintaining business continuity.

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