Common Tree Problems and Their Causes

trees at the park

Trees are core parts of lawns and gardens, adding to their beauty, providing nice shade, and contributing to the airflow around the space. Fruit-bearing trees even offer sustenance throughout their seasons and often bring many fond memories for those who inhabit the home they rest upon. Keeping trees alive and well throughout the years takes some care, so here are a few common issues that you should address if you ever identify them.

  • Dying tree because of the direct environment

Over time, trees can start to decline, and a host of reasons can cause this. However, many issues cause disease and a faster rate of deterioration that you can combat or remedy. This falls down to proper tree care. In Cottonwood Heights or other areas that have predominantly warm climates, there's a need to have a keen focus on the insects and pests that can harm the health of a tree.

Weather is a reason that is apparent everywhere, but a tree owner should also be aware of the areas and conditions that they subject their shrubbery and foliage to. For instance, soil can become too compact if it is often stepped over, or nutrition is being put back into the roots because of soil quality. Those would need mulching to fix. Other reasons could also be damage caused by pets and equipment.

In many cases, homeowners only notice that their tree is in such a state of decline when it is too late to salvage. That is why it would be wise to have an arborist examine the health of trees in the lawn to ensure proper care and action is done in time. Otherwise, a professional arborist can also properly remove the tree without ruining surrounding plants and such and even replace it with a healthy new one.

  • Scorched leaves because of chlorine toxicity

Even though chlorine can be good for plants in low doses, a high concentration can kill it and cause toxicity, which essentially scorches the tree. This is apparent when leaves look burnt, and it is a common occurrence more in dry regions.

If you have a swimming pool or irrigation water, it's best to see if these are reaching the area where your tree seeps nutrients from as it may be affecting the plant. Using gypsum and carefully watering the surrounding soil can remove the toxic levels of chloride affecting your tree.

  • Cavities forming in the tree

Tree hollows happen because of weathering or insects, but they can cause issues when they create large or deep cavities within the tree. These holes can collect water and further damage the tree. They can also serve as a nesting area for pests.

You can help your tree by ridding the causes and sealing the cavity to help the bark cover it up. Doing this prevents the spread of the damage. It's important to remove any rotted wood that is present before sealing up the hole. It's also good to note that not all cavities should be interfered with, as sealing it at the wrong moment can end up doing more harm than good.

With these issues in your pool of knowledge, you can take better care of the trees in your property for years to come.

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