Can an Unathletic Person Become Athletic?

getting ready for a sprint

Can we use training to become athletic? Can we transform ourselves from couch potatoes to tennis players quickly? The answer to the first question is a resounding yes, you can be athletic. The second question is far more complicated. There is nothing quick and easy in athleticism. It takes years of hard work and practice to become athletic; more so to perfect a sport. But with your desire and the right frame of mind, anything is possible with sports.

Athleticism can start anytime. You do not have to be like Rafael Nadal, who started playing tennis when he was four and became the King of Clay. You can still be the kind of athlete you want to be, especially if you are now doing this to improve your health.

Getting into the Right State of Mind

The first aspect of introducing yourself to a sport you like to master is putting your mind in the right state. First, you must pique your interests. How are you going to do convince yourself to do the hard work when your mind hasn’t accepted your “interest” in a particular sport? Second, you have to be involved in small quantities. You cannot dive into a sport. You have to slowly wade into it.

To do that, you can find volunteer activities in your community. If you’re thinking about playing baseball, volunteer as an assistant coach in the little league team. You can also participate in local schools’ sports activities. School sports teams are always looking for more support and participation from the locals.

They also need to raise funds, which is where you can come in. You can pitch sports fundraising ideas and also offer to execute those ideas once finalized. School sports teams use the funds they raise from these events to buy uniforms and customized masks, scarves, beanies, etc.

Finally, to get into the right frame of mind, you need to keep the SMART strategy in mind. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Take small steps toward your goal of becoming more athletic. But at the same time, be realistic about these goals and what you can do to chip away at the roadblocks.

athletic person in the gym

Getting Fit for Sports

Once you are in the right state of mind, you are now ready to nail down the physical component of becoming athletic. All sports are good for one’s health. You will develop your muscles, build up your strength, and improve your immune system by playing sports. But it’s not as easy as that, too. You have to work into this slowly.

First, you may want to get a trainer who can build a workout routine that will fit your physical capacities. At the very least, the trainer will teach you how to use the equipment in the gym, as well as the proper posture. Afterward, you can do the routine yourself.

Second, you have to set short-term goals, too, so you can measure your progress against them. When you see your gains from week to week, you will push yourself harder to achieve the loftier goals. These small gains will motivate you every day.

Third, find time to improve your physical health. Whether it’s preparing healthier meals or walking for an hour every day, commit yourself to work out every day and chipping away at the challenges that lay ahead. You do not need to force yourself. If you are not a morning person, you can work out at lunchtime or in the afternoon. The important thing to remember is to carve the time out of your busy schedule to accommodate these activities.

Fourth, it is easier to do these things when you have someone with you. Find a buddy not for the sports, but for the physical workout of getting ready to play the sports. Make sure this person can motivate you to work harder and to pursue your goals. Aside from motivation, you can also get into a healthy competition with your friend. Setting goals and measuring them against each other are great ways to continue pushing yourself.

Finally, you have to identify with the sports you choose. It is easier to work harder for something when that something becomes part of who you are. Why do you want to play sports? Is it for your health? Are you fond of the competition? Once you identify with it, all the work that goes into it becomes a lot easier.

Becoming athletic is a lot of work. While it is possible, the first hurdle is to commit yourself to the work that comes with it. Once you do that, everything else will follow.

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