4 Ways to Conserve Water and Save Money on Your Monthly Water Bill


At a time when the climate crisis continues to worsen, the call to save water rings louder than ever. It’s an act the benefits all — people don’t only save precious resources but also get to reduce water bills.

There are plenty of short-term and long-term solutions you can do to guarantee that every drop of water you’re paying for is maximized. Commit to these water-saving solutions to save the planet.

Drill a water well

The biggest shift in water use you can do is to drill a water well in your backyard in Utah or Flordia. Drilling your water well sounds like tough work, but the benefits outweigh the effort and cost.

First, natural water resources from underground rarely change or dry up. This guarantees a steady supply of water, even during water crises, municipal water shortages, or construction activities that may tamper with public plumbing systems.

Second, well water is potable for drinking and general use, unlike chemically treated municipal water supplies. As long as you don’t contaminate it, and you carry out routine maintenance, expect to get clean and clear water from your well.

Lastly, having a water well cuts down on water costs. Instead of paying for distance transportation, water treatment, and excessive maintenance charges for a municipal water bill, you only pay for a little more than the price of other utilities.

Break your bathroom habits

To conserve water, you need to change some practices, starting with where water is wasted the most: the bathroom.

Turn the shower off while scrubbing your body or set up a shower timer to control your bath time. You can also install faucet aerators or showerhead restrictors that push water through pressurized holes. This way, you get the same rinse with less water.

If you have the means, replace your toilets with a low-flow model that uses less water when flushing. A more affordable alternative is to buy a new fill valve or flapper to adjust the amount of water the toilet uses for each flush.


Look for possible leaks

Leaks put money down the drain. To prevent these, observe general measures like having your plumbing checked, or monitoring your water meter for a period when you didn’t use water.

To detect leaks in faucets, pat your sinks dry and wait for an hour to see if they got wet. Check your bathroom vanity or beneath your kitchen sink for plumbing leaks, and if applicable, re-apply caulking agents or sealants. Refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines can leak, too. Hire a professional repair for such appliances to avoid further damage.

Change the way you do your chores

Understandably, people use a lot of water for household chores, but there is always a way to optimize these daily tasks.

For one, you can use your dishwasher instead of washing dishes manually, which uses about twice as much water. When doing the laundry, you can maximize water by running full loads on an energy-efficient washing machine and using warm water during the rinse.

Cleaning your car? Use a pail of water and a sponge instead of hosing it down. The same goes for cleaning your porch and driveway. Use a broom or a brush, instead, to sweep the dirt.

Small changes count towards the bigger things. Do these things, and you’ll see a decrease in your monthly bills.

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