Medical and Other Government Services for Disabled People

disabled child

There were countless instances in the past when people with disabilities found it difficult to live normally and be included in society. While it may still be challenging today, the government and other organizations have made it a point to launch various programs and services that aim to support disabled people. This ensures that every one of us is provided with the same opportunities that may help us prosper.

If you or someone you know is suffering from a disability, you may be interested to know about the following disability programs and healthcare services that may aid your or their living situations.

Disability Programs

Did you know that one in every four adults will suffer from disabilities around the time that they reach the age of 65? To maximize societal inclusivity for them, programs for disabled people are widely distributed among different government bodies to ensure that they have access to each of their needs.


We’re all probably aware of how expensive real estate is in the country. This becomes an even bigger problem for people with disabilities because some of them find it difficult to get a decent-paying job. Furthermore, those who used to live with their parents will soon be forced to homelessness or being institutionalized as their parents grow older, rendering them incapable of taking care of their disabled child. Thankfully, the government provides an average of $9,000 annual financial support called Supplemental Security Income. Additionally, the Fair Housing Act also prohibits lenders from refusing rental or housing services for people with a disability based solely on their condition.


Aside from housing programs, there are also government services that aim to help people with disabilities in terms of finding a job. Vocational training courses are offered to disabled people to teach them skills that will help them land a job. Furthermore, certain businesses are also starting to include them in their staff to ensure that they earn a decent income. The Department of Defense has also launched a program called the Service-disabled Veteran-owned Small Businesss (SDVOSB) program, which aims to support small businesses owned by disabled veterans.


Taking public transport may seem like a rather menial task for most of us, but for the disabled, it’s quite challenging. Public transport is designed for people who do not suffer from any physical condition, so the disabled often adjust to these demands. The local government is now considering installations that make roads more accessible to the disabled. Furthermore, public buses and trains also include specific seats for them. There is even a program called Paratransit which aims to provide transportation services for handicapped people.


Healthcare Services

Probably the most important government body that should work tirelessly towards the pursuit of providing services to the disabled is the medical industry, mainly because long-term solutions can only be found in improving the healthcare system. The following are the steps undertaken by the local government to ensure that proper and adequate healthcare services are provided to the disabled community.


While the thought of helping the disabled community is a step forward on its own, it would be difficult to make progress on this matter without the law backing it up. That’s why we need legislation since they provide concrete guidelines and policies for providing the disabled with healthcare service. Proper enforcement methods are also necessary to ensure that all healthcare providers follow these guidelines.


On the other hand, hospitals and medical services cannot simply assist the disabled community for free. Hospitals need to earn money in order to gather enough funds to keep their expenses at bay. That’s why the government is the one that provides financing programs for the disabled. Through this, premium services can be accessed by disabled people at a lower cost or for free, depending on the condition and financial status of the patient.


Aside from providing the disabled access to medical services, the healthcare industry also ensures that they can access the community. That’s because not all disabled people have the resources and capability to go to hospitals by themselves. The government ensures that regular visitations to remote areas include checkups and consultations with people with disabilities.

Data and Research

The final step that the government takes to ensure that the disabled community is included in the healthcare services is by conducting various researches and gathering data. This provides them with plenty of information regarding the conditions, needs, and prevention methods that can be provided to people with disabilities.

Many people suffer from various conditions that make daily living difficult for them. Thankfully, the government ensures that these people are included in society through various programs and healthcare services.

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