6 Tips for A Successful Pandemic Wedding

pandemic wedding

Getting hitched during COVID-19 can be quite a tall order, but it’s something that’s not impossible to do with much success. While it’s true that ongoing restrictions, disrupted supply chains, and other factors do affect the ease of getting married, there are plenty of workarounds that you can consider. Many couples who got hitched from the onset of the pandemic and until today employed these techniques to great success, so it’s not a stretch to say that you’ll be wise to adopt them.

Here are six tips on how you can make your wedding during COVID-19 a big success:

Go local as much as possible.

You should prioritize your and your future spouse’s safety throughout your wedding preparations, which is why it’s critical to hire local contractors as much as possible. For one, you must prioritize your local bridal shop for your essential wedding needs such as gowns, suits, and even styling. You should also put a premium on hiring local shops for the flowers, giveaways, and other wedding essentials.

By going as local as possible, you’ll not only limit your risks of interacting with suppliers from far away (which can be costly, too), but you’ll also help the local community business owners. It’s a win-win situation that’s hard to pass on.

Have a virtual site tour of your wedding venue.

Are you too busy or just taking the necessary precautions to limit going outside while making preparations for your big day? With virtual tours of wedding venues, this should not be a problem.

These days, couples and wedding coordinators who have either or both of the considerations mentioned above make do with a virtual walk-through of the event venue through FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and other communication tools. With such an option, you and your future spouse can make necessary arrangements and give instructions to your wedding coordinator about the venue, such as the seating arrangement, decors, and the like — all at the comfort of your home.

Consider live-streaming your wedding.

With today’s digital technology, it’s easy to break distance barriers and do things virtually. Right now, many couples who are getting married are utilizing available technologies to make their family and friends still be with them on their wedding day.

From digital wedding invitations to video live-streaming, couples are using every digital tool available to share their special moment with people closest to their hearts who can’t be with them. If you have the same predicament, then these options should come in handy. There are plenty of live-streaming apps that you canuse, plus you can tap a service provider that specializes in virtual wedding coverage.

Make your wedding guests small.

wedding guests

While you and your spouse surely wish to invite all of your best pals, workmates, and relatives to witness your special day, current situations dictate otherwise. Knowing such limitation, you should strongly consider limiting your actual wedding guests to 50 or fewer, so it would be safer for everyone attending.

As much as possible, don’t include those who have comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension as they are highly vulnerable to COVID-19 transmission. You can, instead, give them the chance to watch your wedding through live-streaming, so they’ll still be with you in spirit.

Make safety precautions clear to guests.

These days, wedding guests are torn between attending wedding invitations and declining them, even if the ones getting hitched are close friends and family. Many of them are anxious to know the health and safety protocols that the would-be couples are implementing in the wedding and reception venues. In fact, a lot of potential guests won’t even consider RSVP-ing without being informed of such COVID-19 protocols.

Knowing this, you should take the initiative to let all of your guests know the safety precautions you have in place throughout the wedding. These may include mandatory wearing of masks, hand washing, or even presenting a negative COVID test result. The more details you can provide your guests with about these things, the more at ease they will feel.

Be creative with wedding entertainment.

While dancing and live bands are among the highly preferred modes of getting guests entertained, there are many entertainment options that you should consider.

For one, you can have lawn games for adults and kids such as giant connect four, cornhole, and the like to get everyone’s funny bones and adrenaline going. There’s actually no limit to the forms of alternative entertainment that you can have for your wedding — except, of course, if they’ll violate social distancing and other COVID protocols.

With these tips as your guide, ensuring a successful pandemic wedding should be easy and even fun.

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