Useful Strategies to Handle One’s Grief Healthily


Grief is one of the worst feelings and experiences one can go through in their lifetime. Whether it’s from the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship, grief can take its toll and sometimes feel like it consumes every part of the being. It is important to note, however, that rainbows still come out after the rainfall, so the best course of action is to find healthy ways to cope and get through one’s emotional journey.

Seek out some family counseling

Being able to share with others in your family, especially if they are in the same boat, can do a lot to help you cope. It can be especially useful if you opt to go for family counseling with a professional who will be mindful of your different ups and downs and will be able to cater to each member of the family to find the best way to work through it out. Not only can this help you be more attuned and comforted in your support system, but it can also be beneficial if you have young kids in the family and if you need to guide them through their grieving.

Don’t try to skip through the stages of grief.

As developed by psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969, the five stages of grief that we have all come to know are namely: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. While this is mostly the exact pattern followed, some people don’t feel those emotions in that particular order. What’s important is to allow yourself to go through those stages so you can meet your end goal better without bottling things up or wallowing too much.

hugging each other

Find a healthy outlet to pour out your emotions.

An excellent way to deal with your pain is by finding a suitable medium in which you can free yourself. Try painting, writing, or even some activities that are focused on mindfulness and keeping your sadness at bay. Don’t be afraid to try out new things that can help with your expression that also keeps you grounded, like journaling, even if you haven’t tried it before. Even if what you feel is anger, sorrow, anxiety, or anything, chronicling can help you slowly move forward. Think of classics like A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis or newer entries like After You: Letters of Love, and Loss, to a Husband and Father by Natascha McElhone.

Start prepping for your new normal.

Things will inevitably change after this significant loss in your life. If it’s a significant person who was intertwined with many of your daily dealings, it may be a complicated process to suddenly have to shift to doing these things on your own. However, it’s essential to take these on even as you ease your way into feeling better day by day. These things can catch up on you if left by the wayside, so make sure you still plan now that things have changed, but don’t be wary of asking for help.

As long as you find the balance between letting your feelings out without completely turning to all the messy ways it could go, then these steps can help you on your path to acceptance and life after loss.

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