Traditional vs Implant-Retained Dentures: Which One Is Better?


Teeth Implantation Model In ChristchurchTraditional dentures have been the most popular solution for tooth loss over the years. Before other options became available, these removable prosthetics seemed like the next best thing to natural teeth.

Today, when technology is capable of so much more, implant-retained dentures are suddenly the first choice for potential candidates. They are a better fit for some because of the advantages in aesthetics, speech enhancement and stability.

Unfortunately, not everyone in Christchurch is eligible for this kind of treatment. Learn about removable and implant-retained dentures to know which works better for you:

Dentures: AKA ‘False Teeth’

There is a 99% chance you have seen a traditional denture. They are made of plastic, nylon or metal, made to fit snugly over the gums. As all teeth replacement solutions, they prevent potential problems, such as difficulties in eating or speaking, or even crooked teeth.

Over time, your denture may need repairs and retightening. As they age, the fit progressively loosens and results in rocking of the denture while worn. It is often the cause of your grandparents’ most embarrassing moments in public.

Implant-Retained Dentures: Enhanced Stability, More Security

Coming a long way from their low-tech form, implant-retained dentures provide better support. They are anchored to implants, rather than your gums, which leaves no adverse effect on your speech. They are also designed to look as lifelike as natural teeth.

Overall, they improve your quality of life as they enable proper eating, talking and laughing, and they increase self-confidence. But because the treatment involves surgical implantation, your dentist will have to evaluate your oral health to see if you qualify for the procedure.

Whichever you choose, it is still your dentist who determines the better option for you. What is not an option, however, is leaving your tooth loss as is and letting it cause long-term problems. Your personal life deserves better, and so does your oral health.

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