Commercial establishments nowadays generally include many businesses operating from the same space. The proximity of these businesses puts them at high risk of pest infestation with the shared walls, common areas, and ceilings. The considerable number of people working in these spaces also means that employees and visitors can bring the pests into your establishment. While most pests would not breed so fast, all it takes is one bedbug in your property to warrant a full-blown infestation.
DIY commercial pest control methods for your Caguas establishment will multiply rather than contain the bedbugs. Most of the store-bought pesticides meant for bedbug extermination are ineffective and fool you into believing you have contained the pests while they have only hibernated to return later in large numbers. The following are some of the professional techniques employed by certified exterminators for the control of bedbugs in commercial establishments.
Heat Treatments
This option raises the temperatures of your building’s interiors to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, bedbugs at different life stages and their eggs all die. The common types of heat treatments used include dry steam, compartment heat treatments, and structural treatment. In compartment heat treatment, small items will be placed in a sealed, heated container for 24 hours to kill the bedbugs. In structural treatment, air heated to 120-140 degrees is forced into sealed buildings for 24 hours. Dry steam is used for upholstered furniture and other items that might be destroyed by moisture.
These are not your ordinary store-bought pesticides. There are two primary pesticide categories used for professional bedbug control. Contact pesticides are designed to kill all bedbugs on contact and leave no residue in their applied environment. Residual pesticides are sprayed into an environment and remain active for a set period poisoning the bugs in the environment. They are generally used to get rid of bedbugs in cracks and crevices. Most of the residual pesticides used nowadays do not affect human health.
Cold Treatments
These drop the temperatures of an infested environment to less than three degrees Fahrenheit thus killing the bedbugs. There are several types of cold treatments. In cryonite treatment, a pressurized carbon dioxide appliance delivers a snow spray for about an hour which freezes bugs and their eggs. It is non-toxic and can get rid of pests in cracks and crevices. Chest freezers are used for small items. The items placed in the freezer will remain there for not less than four days at temperatures of zero degrees.
Mineral-Based Dust Treatments
Silica gel, diatomaceous earth and other dust formulations which are mineral-based are commonly used to supplement the use of pesticides in getting rid of bugs. The treatments are solely used in environments with low humidity. They kill bedbugs by slowly dehydrating them over several weeks.
You have little control over the bedbugs which might gain entry into your commercial space through different means. The above treatment alternatives will not only get rid of the bedbugs present in your environment but also protect it from future infestation. Most professionals also use monitors placed in different areas of your property to detect bedbugs in future before they multiply.