Shape of Your Teeth: Can You Change It?

Woman smiling during a dental checkup

Not all of us are born with a perfect smile. This is why many pursue an orthodontic treatment or a professional whitening procedure to improve how their teeth look. While these procedures can dramatically improve a smile, there are still those who hate the shape of their teeth. This is a cosmetic dental issue that cannot be solved by braces or whitening treatment.

If you’re one of those people who want to change the shape of their teeth, cosmetic dentists in Meridian note that there are a number of cosmetic procedures you can choose from:


These are thin porcelain shells placed over the front surface of teeth. The procedure involves removing some enamel to accommodate the custom-made shells. Veneers are more costly than other procedures, as they can address many cosmetic issues, such as:

  • Tiny/small teeth
  • Cracks
  • Chips
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • Stains/discoloration
  • Minor misalignment

Dental crowns

These can cover badly shaped or heavily stained teeth. Dental crowns can make your teeth stronger and improve their contour and shape. These are placed over affected teeth and are usually made of porcelain. Crowns, furthermore, can be attached to a bridge and replace missing teeth.

Dental bonding

This can improve the natural look of your smile by attaching a tooth-colored resin to the surface of the tooth. Bonding is great for fixing small chips, smoothing out some rough teeth edges, and addressing small gaps. This is more affordable the veneers or crowns, as the procedure can be completed in a single visit (unless you want to fix several teeth).


This can deal with teeth imperfections such as tiny chips, badly shaped teeth, slightly overlapping teeth, as well as pointed cuspids. This removes a tiny portion of the enamel to change the length, space, and surface of the teeth.

These cosmetic procedures have their limitations, so it is a good idea to learn more about them, including their pros and cons. It is best to talk to your dentist to determine the best treatment for your specific problem.

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