Rooftop Gardens: What You Should Know Before Building One


Rooftop gardens provide a much-needed escape in a concrete jungle. They’re nice to look at, and they add character to a barren space. This may be the reason more and more people are adding rooftop gardens to their homes. See these tips before you get to work:

1. Do Ample Research First

Find the intersection between what you want and what’s doable. For example if you want grass, you’ll need Atlantis drainage cells, soil, geotextiles, and a damp wall solution. Identifying the requirements and the application of an installation may be too time-consuming. To get the look you desire, it might be better to hire a professional company rather than do it by yourself. It’s also important to check the policies of your local council and your building’s guidelines. Determine what’s possible in advance and avoid disappointment.

2. Consider the Maintenance

With the many beautiful designs to choose from, it’s easy to get ahead of yourself and go over the top. It’s crucial that you think of what happens after the rooftop garden is built. Who will be responsible for the upkeep? How are the plumbing, stairways, and electricity? Can you afford the additional cost? Make sure that you have a plan in place for the maintenance even before the construction starts.

3. Leave Room for Expansions

Remember to think of the big picture while you’re in the planning stage. You can always expand or add features later. It’s costly and inefficient to have something built now only to remove it later. Besides, something might change in the future, and you’ll might be tempted to add a restaurant, stage, or cafe.

4. Prepare for Pests

Get proactive about the insects and mice the rooftop garden may attract. An entomologist has warned that pests may find their way inside the buildings and cause a hygienic problem. Hire a pest control service or use integrated pest management. You can also seek the advice of your local council or owners who have successfully maintained a rooftop garden. As of 2018, the City of Sydney housed 60 green roofs, and it’s easy to assume that the number has only grown since then. It’s better to be prepared for what may happen now rather than face a pest nightmare later.

5. Assess the Weather

rooftop garden

When selecting plants, think of how the colors and height all go together. Besides the looks, it’s also important to consider if your area’s weather conditions suit the plants’ requirements. The City of Sydney Council has provided a list of plants suitable for Australian green roofs. Because of the hot climate, your first choice should be xerophytes, which are plants that retain water longer. Consult with a professional about plants and the proper care they need.

Rooftop gardens have made it possible to enjoy the advantages of a yard while living in a city full of towers. They provide several much-needed environmental and aesthetic benefits. They’re even supported by city councils.

With ample planning, you can achieve your dream gardens high up in the city’s skyline.

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