Here’s How to Make Your Business Appeal to Millennials


Despite the stereotypes attached to Millennials about their relationship with money, it’s no doubt that they’re the biggest buyers today. But they don’t just buy anything from any business. They have unwritten criteria for businesses they support. If you want Millennials to follow your brand, here are the things you should keep in mind:

Focus on creating a good experience

Gen Y values experiences over material things. It’s the reason they travel a lot and purchase properties much later in life. This doesn’t mean paying less attention to the quality of your products, though. It simply means letting them be satisfied in their experience before and after their purchase.

For instance, a dessert shop business can improve the Millennial buying experience by revamping the space and designating photo op pastel-themed zones or letting them create and name their own desserts. This elevates the experience, increasing the likelihood of return visits. If you’re still starting in the food business, though, a dessert franchise is a much safer bet. As Great American Cookies explains, you can ride on the good name of brands most Millennials already trust.

Improve your online presence

As you know, Millennials count on the Internet for everything — and that includes buying things. Your goal is to be right where they are. You need to increase visibility online, especially on social media. Have a good mix of popular platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Getting into LinkedIn can also improve your visibility for Millennial professionals.

Post fresh content every day, especially prioritizing images and videos. Pay attention to your social media reviews, as well. These are sections Millennials check out before they try products and services. Don’t neglect the importance of having your own online asset. Maintain a website and publish blogs regularly.

Be authentic

“Authenticity” is a buzzword among Millennials. They don’t appreciate pretentiousness and they can see right through hypocrisy. What’s more, they will be candid about commenting on what you project to them on social media. Stay true to your brand identity and core values. Don’t change that and instead, use it to connect with them. One way to do that is to tell stories — stories of how you began, what your employees are like, and how you establish relationships with customers.

Is your business Millennial-friendly? You could be missing a large market potential if you’re not. Keep the Gen Y in mind as you start and grow your business.


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