Common Bodybuilding Injuries and How To Treat Them

people working out in gym
  • Lower back pain is one of the most frequent bodybuilding injuries, which can be relieved through rest and stretching exercises.
  • Shoulder impingements can be caused by bench presses or shoulder presses and treated with rotator cuff exercises.
  • Knee injuries caused by weightlifting exercises can be prevented with correct form and helped with physical therapy.
  • Neck pain can be alleviated by keeping the head in a neutral position during exercise and employing stretching practices.
  • Pushups, deadlifts, squats, and lat pull-downs are safer bodybuilding exercises that can help strengthen muscles.

Bodybuilding is an intense physical activity that can lead to various injuries. If left untreated, these injuries can be severe and even debilitating. To help you stay safe and healthy during your workouts, here’s a look at a few of the most common bodybuilding injuries and how to treat them.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common bodybuilding injuries, but it’s also one of the easiest to fix. Strengthening core muscles such as the transverse abdominis, glutes, hip flexors, rectus abdominis, and obliques will help prevent lower back pain from occurring in the first place. If you do experience lower back pain while bodybuilding, rest until the pain subsides and then focus on stretching exercises like yoga or Pilates to help alleviate discomfort. You can also ask your doctor about taking anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen for relief.

Shoulder impingements

Shoulder impingements are another injury that can occur due to bodybuilding activities like bench presses or shoulder presses. To treat a shoulder impingement, it’s important to rest until the pain subsides and then perform rotator cuff exercises to strengthen your shoulders and improve flexibility in that area of your body. You may also want to talk with your doctor about taking anti-inflammatory medications to relieve inflammation in the joint area.

Knee injuries


Knee injuries are often caused by weightlifting exercises like squats or lunges, where too much pressure is put on the knee joints during movement. To reduce your risk of a knee injury while bodybuilding, make sure you are using the correct form when performing these exercises.

If you feel discomfort in your knees while exercising, stop immediately and take a break before continuing with lighter weights or modified versions of those exercises. Stretching before working out can also help reduce knee strain during exercise by loosening up tight muscles surrounding the knee joint area before putting pressure on them through exercise movements.

If you suffer a knee injury, consider employing the help of an experienced physical therapist specializing in sports recovery. They can provide specialized exercises to help strengthen and protect your knee joint area, as well as offer advice on how to modify your bodybuilding routine to reduce future risk of injury.

Neck pain

Finally, neck pain is another common bodybuilding injury caused by exercises like shoulder presses and bench presses. To prevent neck pain while bodybuilding, keep your head in a neutral position and avoid any sudden movements that can strain the neck muscles. If you do experience neck pain, it’s important to rest until the pain subsides and then focus on stretching exercises like yoga or Pilates for relief. You may also want to talk with your doctor about anti-inflammatory medications to relieve inflammation in the joint area.

Safe bodybuilding exercises you should try

Now that you know how to treat common bodybuilding injuries, it’s also essential to learn about safe exercises you can do in order to reduce your risk of injury in the first place. Here are a few exercises you can do that won’t put too much strain on your joints or muscles:


Pushups help strengthen the chest, arm, and core muscles while also improving flexibility in the shoulders. To make this exercise even safer, use a foam roller to provide cushioning while you work out.


Deadlifts are great for strengthening the back and core muscles without putting too much stress on the spine or neck area. Make sure to perform each rep with the correct form, and never lift more weight than your body can handle.



Squats are another great exercise to help build strength and stability in the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core muscles. Be sure to use a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level and avoid excessive bouncing or jerking motions when performing each rep.

Lat pull-downs

Lat pull-downs work the back and shoulder muscles while also improving posture and flexibility. Make sure you’re using a full range of motion when doing each rep, and always lower the weight slowly to avoid any sudden jerks or strain on your joints.

By sticking to safer bodybuilding exercises, you can help prevent common injuries and keep your body healthy.

Bodybuilding can be a great way to stay fit and healthy. However, taking the proper precautions when performing any type of exercise is essential to reduce your risk of injury. By understanding common bodybuilding injuries and how to treat them, as well as learning about safe exercises that won’t put too much strain on your joints or muscles, you can ensure that your workouts are effective and enjoyable. With these tips in mind, enjoy getting stronger while staying safe!

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