Robbery in Utah: What It Is and How It’s Punished


Robbery in UtahAlthough the majority of theft offenses are classified as misdemeanors under the Utah Code, robbery is considered a felony offense in the state. Robbery crimes could likewise be enhanced, meaning that the court could increase the sentence from second-degree felony to first-degree felony in the event that factors including verbal threats, weapons possession, or prior convictions among others were involved in the crime.

What is Robbery?

The crime of robbery is generally taking property from someone else through force. defines robbery as usually involving these distinct elements:

  • Illegally or deliberately taking or attempting to obtain the personal property of another individual while the property in question is either in the other individual’s presence or while the other individual has the property on his or her person.
  • Taking the property against the will of the individual, through force or fear, or with the intention of depriving the other individual of his or her property whether permanently or temporarily.

Basically, mugging is considered a crime of robbery, as well as holdups and stickups at convenience stores and banks, adds a seasoned felony attorney in Provo.

Potential Penalties of Robbery In Utah

Because robbery is considered a felony, it is a major crime under the Utah Code and is punishable by hefty fines and imprisonment. In the event of a conviction, the penalties will be determined according to the stolen property’s value. In general, however, a robbery conviction could result in the following penalties:

  • Common robbery – a fine not higher than $10,000 and up to 15 years imprisonment
  • Aggravated robbery – a fine not exceeding $10,000 and up to lifetime imprisonment

A conviction for robbery could result in disastrous consequences in the real world. Aside from the above criminal penalties, those convicted also face civil penalties, which could include paying restitution to the victim and community service among others. In addition, given that employers and landlords perform background checks on prospective employees and tenants, a robbery conviction could also become a roadblock towards finding housing and employment options in the future. It’s vital to get legal representation for a robbery charge so you could explore your legal options and ensure that you’re given a fair fight in court.

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