How to Start Working Out at Home and Sticking to It


If you have been struggling to work out consistently, you aren’t alone. Many people start to feel positive effects from working out after just a few days, but it can be difficult to get started, especially if you don’t have someone holding you accountable for your goals. However, there are ways that you can learn how to start working out at home and stick with it even when you don’t feel like doing it. After all, the results of working out regularly will be worth the effort in the long run.

When most people decide they want to start working out, they usually don’t look forward to the costs of joining a gym or finding affordable classes in their area. Not only do you have to pay membership fees, but you also have to drive or walk to get there and wait in line to use equipment that may not even be close to the ideal weight range for your body type and fitness goals. Luckily, with all the technological advances we’ve seen in recent years, it’s now easier than ever to start working out at home.

Starting and sticking to new workout routines can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips on how to start working out at home and sticking to it that might make all the difference:

Wake Up Early

If you’re worried about being sore tomorrow morning, why not start your workout routine at 5:00 am? Not only will you get it over with before your schedule heats up for the day, but working out in the early hours of the morning can increase growth hormone production for a better long-term weight loss. Just make sure you avoid any long, hard bouts of exercise after waking up early; save that energy instead of doing some chores or making breakfast.

Come Up With A Routine

Make a plan for what types of exercises you want to do, how often you’ll do them, and when they’ll be done. Then work it into your schedule. If you can commit to working out three times a week at 8 am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning before work that’s great—but if you can commit to working out twice a week at 6 pm on Tuesday and Thursday evening after dinner that’s okay too.

Get Creative With DIY Equipment

You don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment to work out at home. You can use things that you already have around your house, like chairs, water bottles, books, or even some unconventional items. This makes it easier for people who live in apartments or rental houses where they aren’t allowed to hang pull-up bars from their door frames.

Schedule Time for Working Out

A common mistake people make when working out at home is believing that since they’re on their own time, they don’t have to set aside specific time for exercising. All of a sudden, you have several excuses not to work out—you can’t find your workout clothes, it’s raining outside, or you didn’t get a good night’s sleep and aren’t feeling well. By setting aside specific times in your schedule for exercise, you won’t have to search for an opportunity; instead, one will be scheduled into your day automatically.

Make A Gym At Home

Make A Gym At Home

Regardless of where you live, a basic gym at home can be created for under $500, if you’re on a budget. Your gym can include basic equipment like a squat rack, weight bench, barbells/dumbbells, a jump rope, an exercise ball, and resistance bands. You’ll be more motivated to work out if you design your own space. Remember to choose a room with a hard, smooth surface since you don’t want to be moving furniture around or damaging floors by dropping weights. You’ll also have to put a foaming mat, which can be partnered with hardwood floors because they’re easier to clean up.

Professional hardwood floor installation can be worth the price to give yourself a boost, and different surfaces can impact your body and affect your performance. You can have dancing lessons, yoga, and other forms of exercise with the right space.

Ask Friends or Family to Join You

One of your first steps in starting a workout routine is finding an exercise buddy or group. The social aspect of exercising in a group can make it much more enjoyable, and you’ll have someone to hold you accountable when you don’t feel like going. Additionally, other people may be able to help motivate you when your drive isn’t enough. You’re not out at a bar with friends if that bar is your local gym!

Stretch After A Workout

Following a workout routine can be difficult when you’re not around gym-quality equipment, but it is possible to achieve similar results by performing bodyweight exercises at home. Stretch after every exercise—not just as an optional part of your training regimen—to help increase flexibility while also preventing injury or overstretching muscles. In addition to increasing your flexibility, stretching allows your muscle tissue and nerve endings time to rejuvenate before putting weight on them again.

Keep A Fitness Journal

It might sound like a pain, but keeping a record of your workouts is one of the best ways to stay motivated when you’re working out at home. With so many things competing for your attention, it’s easy to lose sight of your goals if you’re not seeing tangible results. A fitness journal will help you track how often you hit each workout as well as keep up with your diet so that you know what you’re consuming before stepping into a gym.

After reading through these tips for how to start working out at home, you should feel better equipped. All of these things will help you stick with your workout plan. But there is another thing that will help you achieve success. That’s right — motivation.

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