Six Fun and Helpful Hobbies to Reduce Your Daily Stress

woman holding a plant

You’ve got a busy work schedule, tons of family responsibilities, and a lot of other personal matters to take care of—and sometimes, it just gets tough. The busier you get, the harder it is to find free time to do things you genuinely enjoy. However, having time to get into your hobbies is essential not just for your enjoyment; it can also help reduce that everyday stress.

According to researchers, individuals who engage in hobbies are less likely to suffer from low mood and stress. Doing purposeful activities you genuinely enjoy tends to make you feel more relaxed and happier, regardless of whether they’re academic, athletic, creative, or distinctly personal. Whatever your hobbies are, it’s essential to include them into your daily routine and step away from your everyday stress.

1. Gardening

Getting in touch with nature is one of the best ways to get away from the stressors of life. Whether you want to have a vegetable garden or plant your favorite flowers, gardening, in general, is a purposeful activity that is good for your mental and physical health. At the same time, it’s also an amazing workout that helps improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance. And the best part? You get to plant and pick your own fresh vegetables and fruits. You don’t need to purchase organic food in the grocery store anymore.

2. Music

Have you always wanted to learn to play an instrument? Make it happen now! Playing music is effective for stress management and relaxation and is even used as a stress-relieving therapy. For instance, studies suggest that playing the piano is can help lower one’s anxiety or stress level. So why not take your first piano lesson today? As for other types of music, upbeats are ideal for those who want to feel more positive and optimistic about life. Faster music is great for better focus and more alertness, while a slower tempo relaxes the muscles and quiets the mind. Moreover, listening to music is also helpful in reducing anxiety and stress, slowing down heart rate, and lowering blood pressure.

3. Pottery

Before, pottery is seen as a creative hobby for making homemade pieces by playing with clay. It has also been considered to benefit people who are prone to depression and can help reduce stress. Since pottery is much like working out your hands and wrists, it’s an ideal hobby for people with arthritis. Molding moist clay doesn’t just let you be creative. Enthusiasts claim that it also offers therapeutic benefits as your body and mind are synergized with the activity and surroundings.

woman knitting

4. Knitting

According to Psychology Today, knitting is much like a meditation helping a person be in the moment due to its repetitive and rhythmic movements. This hobby can help you feel more positive and calm too. Researchers also found that this activity is effective at lowering the mental and physical symptoms of stress. Many devoted knitters also proved these findings to be true, claiming that knitting is a great way to de-stress. If you’re feeling depressed, stressed, or sluggish, you can soothe yourself through knitting.

5. Writing

According to psychologists, journaling, in particular, helps come to terms with stressful life events and boosting the immune system. Whether you want to write in a diary or journal, the rule is that there is none. You can in ways, forms, or styles that you want and enjoy. If you’re trying to avoid self-censor or thinking way too much, you try writing morning pages or poetry and prose. Keeping a gratitude journal is also a creative way to reduce stress. Write down three or five things you’re grateful for every day. Studies recommend focusing on the quality of what you write over the quantity. Giving more depth into writing has a better impact on psychological wellbeing than doing it frequently.

6. Coloring

Ditch the stereotype that coloring is a childhood pastime. It is scientifically proven that coloring can help reduce anxiety and stress by relaxing your brain’s fear center: the amygdala. Adult coloring reduces restless thoughts and puts your mind into a meditative state, generating quietness and mindfulness. According to health experts, adult coloring can help you relax by letting you focus on a simple activity and taking your attention away from stressors.

Taking part in such hobbies can’t just add fun into your stressful life and enable you to spend your spare time with purpose. Besides having a creative outlet for your busy self, engaging in a hobby is tremendously beneficial for your mental wellness. Rediscover your interests now and pick up a hobby that will better equip you to manage life’s many stressors.

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